Nahaufnahme Industrienähmaschine

A forward-looking partner with practical expertise

Every industrial sector is shaped by its own complex risk situation. To identify the potential risk for an industry in its entirety and implement the correct measures, having a wealth of experience is a requirement along with expert insurance knowledge. Having been a recognised specialist in industrial insurance for years, we have been providing companies from a wide range of industrial sectors with advice concerning efficient and cost optimised insurance and risk management and offering professional support in the event of a claim for over 140 years.


The automotive industry is shaped by global supply chains, strong mutual dependencies and highly complex agreement structures – Funk rises to these challenges with extensive industry experience and expert insurance knowledge at a global level more


In the construction industry expertise and experience are all important for successfully implementing time, planning and resource-intensive projects. Funk supports over 300 companies from all areas of the primary and secondary construction sector with innovative cover concepts more


As a leading insurance broker for the chemical sector in Europe, we support companies in the chemical industry with specific, globally oriented risk and insurance management strategies more


Protecting companies in the energy sector calls for a high level of technical knowledge, industry experience and a good network. Funk has been a partner of large energy providers from a wide range of fields involving both conventional and renewable energies for decades more


The food industry is at the focus of the public eye. Funk knows the challenges typical of the industry and recommends risk solutions that are tailored to its needs in order to make the potential risks of your company manageable more


Goods transport on water, on land and in the air is an essential part of global commerce. As globalisation progresses, logistics is becoming increasingly important more

Machine and plant construction

As a recognised specialist in industrial insurance, Funk is very familiar with the risks typical of the machine and plant construction field and offers medium-sized companies tailored insurance solutions more

Furniture and wood working industry

Dynamic cost factors and different fire risks present the greatest challenges for a commercial wood processing and material production business – Funk is your long-standing partner for the right cover concepts more


Strong partners for the paper industry: Our years of cooperation with the Pulp and Paper insurance team (VZP Versicherungsstelle Zellstoff und Papier) offer companies in the paper sector twice the expertise when it comes to security more


Funk offers pharmaceutical companies comprehensive risk management, customized cover concepts and forward-looking claims management in order to rise to the challenges of a booming industry more

Recycling and waste disposal

Recycling and waste disposal are becoming increasingly important both in the German economy and internationally. In a difficult insurance market Funk helps companies in the waste disposal sector implement targeted risk management and individual cover concepts more

Heavy industry

As one of the most important industrial sectors of the global economy, heavy industry is shaped by dynamic developments in different areas. The high industry-specific energy requirements and increasing globalisation come with significant fluctuations in price more

Heavy transport and cranes

As a founding member of the federal German technical group for heavy-duty transport and crane work (BSK) and an experienced specialist in all matters concerning insurance and risk as well as in claims management, we have been a valued and recognised partner of the crane and heavy transport industry for many years more


Dynamic price development, fluctuations in quality and fierce competitive pressure shaped the textile industry. Funk reliably identifies and analyses the risks associated with this and devises trustworthy tailored risk and insurance solutions more