Welcome to the Funk Risk Academy – Reduce Your Business Risks through Preventive Training

  • Are you planning to strengthen your risk management through preventive training?
  • Do you invest in the risk awareness of your employees?
  • Would you like to integrate expertise in risk and insurance management into your corporate know-how?

The Funk Risk Academy is here to offer you support. Our team provides your company with target-oriented training in essential risk fields relevant to your business. Our instructors are equipped with in-depth, cross-industry expertise. They impart precisely the kind of practice-oriented knowledge your employees need - from professionals for professionals. Our formats are flexible and tailored to your individual needs. Whether it be e-learning, live webinars or if you choose face-to-face seminars at your company – in us you will find a strong partner.

If you wish, we can flexibly combine your individual Funk Risk Academy set-up with our sound consulting services. In this way, the combination of preventive training and our in-depth expertise ensures your success – day after day.


  • Preventive-training courses for employees as part of your holistic risk management
  • Linking of awareness-raising training with our sound consulting services – tailored to the needs of your company
  • Needs-oriented course selection and individual customization of the selected training courses
  • Flexible training formats such as e-learning, live webinars, and face-to-face seminars
  • Audit-proof documentation of training certificates on the Funk Risk Academy platform
  • Possibility of integrating e-learnings into your company's internal learning management system

How can the Funk Risk Academy be advantageous to both you and your company?

Should the above be of interest, please feel welcome to contact your account manager at Funk.   Alternatively, please contact the Funk Risk Academy directly – we look forward to supporting your company!

Healthcare + Social Care

Our interactive training courses raise awareness of liability-related issues among physicians and hospital staff. As a result, employees in healthcare facilities gain confidence by proactively managing risks.

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Supply Chain Act, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Like

Effectively Implementing Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chain Management

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Real Estate

Our specifically-tailored training for the real estate industry provides a solid foundation for holistic insurance and risk management. The modules highlight potential hazards and solutions – we invite you to gain a holistic view of real estate risks.

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Risk Management & Compliance

Raising employee awareness in a targeted manner and effectively implementing the requirements of duty of care obligations is vital. With the Funk Risk Academy's preventive courses in the areas of information and cyber security as well as corporate compliance, companies effectively reduce their business-related risks.

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Employee Benefits

With our specialized trainings, we offer HR managers in particular access to our in-depth know-how and offer innovative solutions on wide-ranging employee benefits topics. The focus of our courses is very practice oriented. They specifically look at the feasibility of successfully implementing employee benefits solutions in your company.

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Your contact

Dr. Kristina Klinkforth Ansprechpartnerin bei Funk

Dr. Kristina Klinkforth