Using added value: insurance management in the recycling and waste disposal sector

Recycling and waste disposal are becoming increasingly important both in the German economy and internationally. As the economy grows, so does the production of waste; at the same time there is an increase in the demand for secondary raw materials such as metal, paper and plastics thanks to growing environmental awareness and ever tighter resources.

Recycling companies, waste incineration plants and other waste disposal operations have special responsibility in this context – and special risks that must be individually identified and assessed for each company. In a difficult insurance market Funk helps companies in the waste disposal sector implement targeted risk management and individual cover concepts.

Specific risks in waste disposal

  • Fire and explosion (technical and organisational fire protection)

  • Damage to machinery/business interruption

  • Theft of valuable raw materials

  • Radioactive contamination

  • Asbestos

  • Environmental damage


Funk: a reliable partner in the insurance market for the waste disposal industry

The greatest challenge for the waste disposal industry is safe, effective reduction of waste whilst at the same time keeping all harmful materials out of circulation. This requires highly complex technical systems that are enormously cost-intensive both to initially procure and also to operate and service. The industry is also shaped by a sharp difference between the requirements from legal authorities, e.g. in terms of environmental protection, and the requirements of insurers concerning fire protection, radiation protection, etc. These circumstances greatly restrict the German insurance market for the waste disposal industry. Wordings are very restrictive and very few large insurers agreed to policies for waste incineration plants and recycling operations. With a comprehensive overview of the insurance market, Funk is able to recommend suitable, targeted insurance solutions, both for the German market and at a global level.

Fire protection as part of an individual risk management strategy

This industry is marked by a particularly hazardous environmental risk due to dust and other emissions. Extensive fire damage and especially the risk of fire from the processes and systems themselves are also some of the core risks presented in the waste disposal and recycling industry. How materials to be recycled burn and which appropriate fire protection measures must be taken vary according to the recycling area in question, but in any case every company needs a high degree of technical and organisational fire protection in place. As part of a comprehensive risk management strategy, Funk identifies and assesses these and other risks for companies in the waste disposal industry, recommends appropriate preventative measures and devises a tailored insurance programme that meets the individual requirements of the client.

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