
Cooperation and mutual exchange play a decisive role in commercial success. As an insurance broker and risk consultant with years of experience, we are as familiar with this as we are with the different industries and professional groups that come together in associations and chambers. Funk has traditionally stayed in close contact with the largest German professional associations and chambers and supports the members of these organisations with exclusive association schemes. Members of associations receive insurance solutions under special terms and conditions and have the option of taking advantage of a wide range of consultancy services in order to achieve comprehensive protection of their values.

Industrial associations

In representing the interests of certain industries and sectors, associations play an important role in the economy. They support their members in legal, administrative and other relevant fields and are an external contact for the government, authorities, consumers, institutions and the media more

Medical associations

The interests of clinical and private-practice physicians are represented in Germany by a number of different medical and dental associations, with the German Medical Association and Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians the most important umbrella associations. Funk has been a recognised insurance broker in the healthcare and social services field for 40 years and supports members of medical associations throughout Germany more

Sports associations

Whether it is golf, football or tennis, clubs for various individual sports band together in asso-ciations which are then responsible for the sport discipline in question. They announce championships, oversee the observance of rules and regulations and maintain record lists. Funk devises individual insurance solutions for sports associations. more