A strong partner for the risks of the energy sector
The energy sector is an industry that presents a great number of challenges. On the one hand, there is continual technical development; on the other, the special risks of this industry – including but not limited to ongoing changes to legislation – mean that this sector can hardly be compared to any other.
Protecting companies in the energy sector optimally therefore calls for a high level of technical knowledge, industry experience and not least a good network.
Energy team: tailored insurance and risk management solutions
For decades Funk has worked with large energy providers from a wide range of fields involving both conventional and renewable energies:
- Gas-fired power plants
- Coal-fired power plants
- RDF-fired power plants
- Wind power
- Water power
- Solar power
- Bioenergy
- Geothermal power
In the Energy team, Funk experts from a wide range of insurance fields create holistic, interdisciplinary insurance strategies that go far beyond technical insurance and liability matters. In constant dialogue with our clients we determine their individual risks both in the installation and operational phases and provide them with the best recommendation for the optimal solution from the complete spectrum available on the market.
All services from a single source: insurance strategies, risk management and claims management
In a dynamic market such as energy generation and supply, investment and planning security present decisive competitive advantages for companies. The Energy team provides a valuable contribution to this with its comprehensive competencies on the insurance market and extensive expertise in consulting and risk management. We verify and assess your insurance cover and provide personal and independent advice, from all risks cover and business interruption insurance to heavy machine insurance agreements and complex liability scenarios. Should a claim arise, you are reliably protected by our claims management. That’s how we remain a strong long-term partner to our clients.
Reliable protection: insurance services in the energy sector
- All risks cover
- Machine insurance
- Insurance for operational buildings/technical systems
- Photovoltaic insurance, insurance for wind turbines, etc.
- Business interruption insurance
- Trade Credit Insurance
- Insolvency Contesting Insurance