Risk management dialogue at eye level: industry-specific councils from Funk

Every industry has its own specific risks. To promote professional exchange amongst risk managers on current topics, general enquires and “best practice” solutions within their industry, Funk has brought the Automotive Supply Industry and Food Industry councils to life. Dialogue among equals drives reliable operational risk management.

Risk management council for companies in the automotive supply industry: ‘best practice’ solutions for industry-specific risk management systems

Developments in recent years in the global automotive supply industry have shown that the market continues to be shaped by risks, such as cost pressure from manufacturers, numerous new developments, raw materials supply shortages, the growing need for capital as well as competition for key skills and a specialist workforce.

Funk initiated the Council for Companies in the Automotive Supply Industry in 2005 with the aim of providing an informational platform that allows the 50 corporate risk managers who meet annually to discuss current challenges in the industry. From the wide range of contributions in past years best practice solutions were selected, valuable risk related guidelines were developed for the peer industry  and therefore useful added value was gained for operational risk management in the companies.


Risk management council for companies in the food industry: current industry developments and emerging risks in focus

Strong competition and increasing food prices due to growing global demand shape the volatile market development of the food sector. Public uncertainty about the quality of foods is causing companies to have to observe ever stricter laws and conditions. Professional risk management is becoming increasingly important for the industry, in order to identify negative developments early and control risks. Together with the Competence Pool Weihenstephan, Funk therefore founded the Risk Management Council for Companies in the Food Sector in 2008. The aim of the regularly organised series of events is to discuss current topics in the industry, such as product recalls, compliance, financing and others, in order to establish a professional risk management strategy that reliably protects company values.

Your point of contact

Hendrik Löffler Ansprechpartner bei Funk

Hendrik Löffler