In the best hands: insurance strategies and individual concepts for physicians

Every medical professional is exposed to significant liability risks and their consequences in their work: for example, an injured patient may claim for compensation whilst at the same time criminal proceedings may be ongoing, e.g. due to negligent bodily injury or death.

Funk offers special, individually tailored solutions for professional insurance cover and private concepts for clinical and private-practice physicians. Thanks to our long-standing cooperation with a number of specialist professional physicians’ associations as well as various medical associations and hospital operators, we are a recognised partner of over 12,000 physicians throughout Germany and recommend bespoke insurance solutions specifically tailored to their needs from the entire spectrum available on the insurance market.

Funk physician service: competent partner for healthcare liability risks

We combine our specialist expertise in the field of healthcare and market transparency of the insurance market in comprehensive individual insurance concepts for physicians. Our clients benefit from a detailed risk analysis and framework contracts that are tailored to their needs to protect against all risks they encounter when practising as physicians.

The tailored solutions that we offer you as part of our physician insurance comprise the following and more:

  • Professional liability insurance

  • Special legal protection insurance for clinical and independently practising physicians

  • Accident insurance for physicians

  • Practice inventory insurance

  • Electronic equipment insurance

  • Funk physician’s policy (combined property insurance for the medical practice)

  • Business interruption insurance for private-practice physicians

  • Regress insurance

  • CyberProfessional for physician 


Well cared for: professional liability insurance for physicians

Professional liability insurance is the mainstay of the insurance programme of every medical professional, whether they are a private-practice or clinical physician. On the one hand it protects physicians against justified liability claims from patients. On the other professional liability protects against unjustified claims and covers any legal or procedural costs in the event of action for damages. Due to constantly increasing adjustment costs for compensation claims in recent years, more and more insurers are withdrawing from the healthcare liability business, resulting in insurance premiums constantly increasing for this field. As a recognise partner of a number of specialist medical associations, Funk physician service can offer professional liability specifically for your professional requirements at special terms and conditions.

For a safe start: insurance strategies for private practice physicians

Going into private practice means significant changes for many medical professionals, especially in terms of their insurance requirements. We offer you a targeted assessment of your individual insurance requirements so that you as a private-practice physician can be protected from the start reliably and sufficiently against all professional and private risks. As a consultant in all matters concerning insurance we design a tailored insurance package at attractive terms and conditions prior to your first foray into private practice.

Special terms and conditions for junior physicians

Our Funk physician service develops special insurance packages to cover all risks from the professional practice of (upcoming) medical professionals, whether they are still students, trainee doctors or senior house officers.


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