Healthcare Training: Proactively Managing Clinical Risks
Funk Health Care Consulting's interactive training courses sensitize healthcare personnel to liability-related topics. The courses help to identify clinical risks in everyday practice and to proactively prevent them. The more thoroughly personnel are trained, the lower the risk of errors in the care of patients and resulting claims becomes.
Interactive Courses with Real Practice Cases
Funk Health Care Consulting's hands-on training courses and workshops explain real-life situations from the workplace and link them to current case law and legislation. Participants receive a practical guide that is compatible with clinical procedures. As a result, healthcare personnel gain confidence in their actions, which systematically prevents errors in the care of patients.
Together with our cooperation partner meduplus Smart Learning®, we offer courses on specialized topics – upon request as e-learning, live webinars or face-to-face.
Interactive Trainings Courses – Your Benefits
- Advanced training specifically designed for the healthcare and social care sectors
- Flexible and individually tailored courses
- Cutting-edge and specialized risk topics
- Case law and case studies from daily practice
- More assurance in the care of patients for your employees

Advanced training from the team of experts for clinical risk management
Funk Health Care Consulting advises on clinical risk, information, quality, and claims management. For many years, its industry-specific expertise has supported clients in identifying clinical risks and implementing needs-based measures. Our goal: optimizing workflows in order to prevent claims in everyday clinical practice. Our expert team providing guidance on these questions in our training courses consists of lawyers specialized in medical and liability law.
Optimize Your Clinical Risk Management - Choose Suitable Courses for Your Personnel
Training course “Patient Education"
- Basics of patient information: right of self-determination and freedom of therapy
- Significance in legal proceedings, burden of proof
- Scope of information: diagnosis, course, risk, therapeutic information
- Formal requirements
- Addressee of information
- Minors, adolescents, patients with dementia and patients under a physician’s care
- Dispensability of the information
- Waiver, presumed consent, vital indication
- Time for effective clarification
- Court-proof documentation
- Individual cases
- Cosmetic interventions, off-label use, medication, medical devices, etc.
- Current case law and case examples from daily practic
Training course "Communication in the Event of a Claim”
- The legal framework of the conversation between doctors and patients
- The insurance coverage
- Who should conduct the conversations?
- When should conversations not be held?
- Teaching helpful communication tools
Request more information
We are happy to answer all your questions. Please contact our experts Karin Platz or Svenja Hehnen by mail or phone.
phone: +49 40 35914-0
Your Contact

We support you in these additional fields:
Supply Chain Act
Real Estate
Risk Management / Compliance
Employee Benefits