Well prepared for business interruptions

Natural disasters, hacker attacks or failures in the supply chain – lots of things can cause interruptions to regular business operations and impact every company. This is especially true as competition becomes increasingly globally connected.

In today’s volatile and often incalculable environment, companies are like a living organism: they can adapt to market challenges and protect their value-adding chain through individual resilience. To do this, they need a strong immune system themselves, one that builds up their defences against external dangers and risks. Typical examples include building up reserve capacities in production, inventory or cooperation that extends beyond the supply chain, based on the level of risk they face.

Business continuity management (BCM) is an effective process that can be used to strengthen a company’s immune system. BCM is based on proactive planning, so that companies are prepared when a crisis occurs, and the value-adding process remains assured as far as possible even in the worst-case scenario. What is important here is not just to examine your own processes for risks, but also to look at risks in the supply chain. This is where supply chain risk management comes into play. The risk reduction effects achieved and the preparation for crisis events should also be taken into account when optimising insurance cover. Reducing the potential loss of earnings through redundantly designed (manufacturing) processes and diversification in the supply chains can lower the need for insurance and thus generate premium savings. Similarly, the existence of business continuity plans is already becoming a standard requirement in some industries in order to obtain insurance cover at all. Here, too, BCM thus has a positive influence on the insurability of companies.

Articles about business interruption risks

BCM process phases

Funk supports companies across all project phases of business continuity management (BCM) as needed and facilitates the corresponding certification under applicable standards such as ISO 22301. BCM needs to be set up as a rolling life cycle for this purpose.

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Clever protection of risks using supply chain management

Funk provides competent and personal support to companies from a wide range of industries in tackling specific supply chain risks and devising suitable measures for managing these risks, so that damage in business does not pose a threat to survival.

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Funk SMART BI CHECK provides clarity

In a world of connected supply chains, business interruptions can result in significant financial damages. The management should therefore be aware of the worst case and obtain protection with a business interruption insurance based on needs.

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Supply chain risks put to the test

Only efficient risk identification allows for targeted and effective risk prevention. Funk provides different services to support companies in the detailed analysis of the different risks in their supply chains, such as a balance sheet risk stress test and a supply chain quick check.

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Client case: when authorities stop production

An explosion in a Schill+Seilacher plant caused massive damage to property. The result was that business interruptions lasted for years. Funk managed to convince the insurer even on the first day of claims negotiations to allot an immediate payout of 6.5 million euros in order to finance initial courses of action.

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Your experts for business continuity management and supply chain management

Fabian Konopka | Lukas Boßhammer

+49 40 35914-0

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