Risk and insurance management for aid organisations and social services

Aid organisations, social bodies and institutions, applied blood donor services and social services take on a number of demanding responsibilities that are associated with risk.

A marked characteristic in the fulfilment of these responsibilities is the cooperation of volunteers and salaried employees who make joint use of vehicles, systems and inventory. Especially in social services, where vulnerable people in need of care and support are involved, complex liability situations can arise that must be covered by an individual insurance programme.

Optimised insurance solutions for social services

Social services generally are financed by compensation for services rendered, member contributions and donations. Therefore a targeted insurance programme for this group of clients should not only identify specific risks and cover them fully but also offer the most cost-efficient compilation of all practical policies in light of the limited budget. As Germany’s largest family-run independent insurance broker and experienced risk consultant, Funk has supported social and charitable organisations for many years with the best recommendations for risk and insurance management. For many of our clients in this area we devise modular insurance solutions across all classes of business.

Funk Humanitas – our special insurance broker for the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK)

Competence at the family-run company Funk and humanity as a guiding principle of contact at the Bavarian Red Cross: these were the components that provided the name for the successful social organisation established in 2004 – Funk Humanitas. With operational consulting experience from the Bavarian Red Cross and expert engagement from Funk, insurance at the Bavarian Red Cross was organised in order to ensure the protection of those active with in the Bavarian Red Cross and the assets entrusted to it. Personal consulting with those responsible on-site and ongoing contact over the telephone or by email, electronic loss recording, training and regular specialist information and ongoing update to the insurance profile based on the market situation has meant close cooperation between all involved, ultimately leading to specialist consulting with direct effect on the Red Cross’ work. The analyses of the insurance cover by an expert team with specialist understanding and experience can also benefit clients other than the Bavarian Red Cross on their way to tailored insurance programmes.

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