Liability insurance for architects: optimal protection against financial losses
One of the main risks for architects is that building defects to a sometimes incalculable extent may occur because of faulty planning or incorrect monitoring. Incorrectly calculated building costs, contractual disputes with the construction clients and disputes over fees also count as classic risks for this professional group. And appropriate insurance strategy can only reliably protect against these risks if it is tailored to the design activities of the architect – for example, taking into account whether they work in aboveground construction, a structural engineering field or as a generalist.
As an experienced industrial insurance broker, we use our expert knowledge in the construction industry and are well-founded knowledge of the international insurance market to devise individual solutions for architects.
Targeted insurance strategies for architects and building contractors
Architect’s liability insurance generally comprises public liability and professional indemnity components and includes cover of all liability claims that arise from consulting errors, planning errors or construction monitoring errors. This includes direct financial losses and consequential damage, for example due to lost rental income.
Our clients benefit from our combined expertise in risk and insurance management and claims management. As part of the development of an insurance concept we also offer a comprehensive risk analysis and investigate your existing policies.
Well advised: competent support in the event of a claim
Even medium-sized building projects involve various parties: draughtsman, structural engineers, execution planners, construction supervisors, different contractors and more. If building defects or additional costs arise, very rarely can it clearly be attributed to one individual party which committed the error. These liability matters often end in legal disputes which can drag out over long periods of time and bring with them financial uncertainties. Rely on the support of an experienced broker: our professional claims management can provide competent advice in all matters concerning liability and claims and represents your interests against third parties as a strong partner.