Entertainment: individual insurance packages for a demanding industry

The entertainment industry has a wide range of faces: In addition to companies that plan and coordinate events for guests – such as hotels, travel agencies or tourism boards, casinos, leisure parks and sporting events coordinators – television broadcasters and film production companies, cultural events organisers, booking agents, event hall operators, cutting and booking agencies, associations, institutes, sponsors, museums and art galleries are either fully or only in certain areas of their activity part of the entertainment sector. It is exactly this wide spectrum of very different activities that makes individual risk and insurance management and necessity.

Funk counters this challenge by devising tailored package solutions that cover the entire spectrum of the national and international insurance market. Our industry specialists can recommend optimal cover strategies for you that are specifically tailored to the specific risks of your company.

Insurance modules for film, sport and entertainment

  • Event failure insurance: covers all causes of the complete or partial failure of an event; can be adapted individually to the specific needs of the clients as part of an all risks policy

  • Conditional rebate: amongst other things, protects against all financial risks of an event organiser arising from special marketing campaigns, e.g. money-back campaigns

  • Film insurance: special insurance for video and film production companies; covers additional production costs that arise from unforeseen events

  • Prize indemnity: protects against the losses incurred by an event organiser or sponsor if an event does not take place, for example financial losses incurred by the withdrawal of a sports club or athlete from a competition


Specific risks, from sporting event organisers to film production companies

Complete or partial failure of events, be that due to weather, prominent guests not coming, accidents or equipment damage, is one of the core risks in the entertainment sector. Depending on whether an event completely fails or has to be stopped early, financial losses are incurred for which the event organiser would be liable itself without the appropriate insurance. In film and television production, by contrast, the greatest risks lie in interrupting production or damage to or loss of film and audio material. Here as well all potential additional costs and liability claims are reliably covered with the right insurance package. Rely on the industry experts from Funk and benefit from an insurance solution specially designed to meet your needs.

Your point of contact

Angelika Seebohm Ansprechpartnerin bei Funk

Angelika Seebohm